Saturday, March 26, 2022

King Narmer of First Dynasty

The Predynastic Period of Egypt is traditionally the period between the Early Neolithic and the beginning of the Pharaonic monarchy beginning with King Narmer.

King Narmer was the successor to the Protodynastic king Ka. He is often credited with uniting Egypt and was the founder of the First Dynasty, and in turn the first king of a unified Egypt.

King Narmer’s greatest accomplishment was uniting the two parts of Egypt land Upper and Lower Egypt. The thing that was expanded was the population. There was an advancement in technological during this time.

His reign displays certain features characteristic of Egypt's prehistoric past, but also some early examples of the new forms that were to distinguish pharaonic civilization.

Herodotus and Manetho’s, portray Narmer as an expert military chieftain. The kingdoms of Lower and Upper Egypt had been fighting for centuries before Narmer managed to subdue the North (Lower Egypt) and impose his rule over the whole of the Nile Valley.

Egyptologist Flinders Petrie claimed Narmer and Menes were two names designating one man: Narmer was his name and Menes an honorific. Petrie claimed that he was the first pharaoh of the First Dynasty.

Narmer founded many towns that would later come to be great Egyptian cities, such as Memphis, the first capital of the unified kingdom. He probably founded the city of Hierakonpolis, called Nekhen in Egyptian antiquity, where he instituted the cult of Horus, the first state-wide religious cult. He constructed the first unified capital for Egypt called Memphis.

Narmer's name has also been found outside Egypt, in Syria-Palestine, indicating that there was an active trade going on between Egypt and parts of the Ancient Near East.
King Narmer of First Dynasty

The Palette of King Narmer

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