Crassus one of the most powerful politicians in the era of corruption,
Marcus Licinius Crassus (115-53 B.C.), not surprisingly was also one of
the richest Roman. Born into a wealthy family, he acquired his riches,
according to Plutarch, through "fire and rapine." Crassus became so
powerful that he financed the army that put down the slave revolt led by
Marcus Crassus decided to invade Parthia with seven legions and
succeeded in capturing a number of border cities. In 53 BC, Crassus
crossed the Euphrates in search of the military glory that had so far
eluded him in his successful career. His goal was the Parthian capital
of Seleucia but, as he advanced, Parthian mounted troops enveloped the
large but cumbersome Roman army in the desert, using sustained archery
to weaken and wear down their opponents.
As the Roman force advanced further into Parthia they met up with the
Parthian army, all cavalry, mostly horse archers with around a thousand
heavily armoured cataphracts in support. The Battle of Carrhae was
fought in June 53 BC.
Forces sent to drive the horse archers away were surrounded by Parthians
and destroyed. With more than 20.000 soldiers killed (Crassus among
them) and another 10.000 legionaries taken into captivity by the
Parthian cavalry, as a result of the Battle of Carrhae . Only 6,000
Romans managed to fight their way out of the situation.
Marcus Crassus was captured by the Parthians, who according to legend,
poured molten gold down his throat when they realized he was the richest
man in Rome. The reasoning of the act was that his lifelong thirst for
gold should quench in death.
The battle of Carrhae exposed the art of Parthian warfare, essentially
based on the cooperative actions of two cavalry branches: the lightly
armed regiments of highly skilled mounted bowmen, known as the
‘pelatai’, and the squads of heavy armed horsemen called the
‘cataphracti’, together capable of inflicting devastating damage to the
The outcome of the 53 B.C. confrontation had also signalized the need of
improving the overall range of battle tactics employed by the Romans,
though it does not seem to have had a decisive influence on the overall
structure of the imperial army as such.
Battle of Carrhae (53 BC)
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